Tuesday, October 6, 2009

SALE!!!!- updated details

It's a pre-baby clear out sale and it starts now. I've dropped all prices down to very low pre-baby clear out prices that will stay in effect until after baby Lucie arrives (around Thanksgiving), possibly a bit longer. All prices are now dropped to just above cost and include shipping- first class for the less expensive pieces, priority mail for the more expensive pieces (based on regular price, not sale price).

The difference between the two shops is as follows: Etsy- has all items and you checkout with Paypal, 1000 Markets- has a more limited selection and you check out using your amazon account (anything on Etsy can be added to 1000 Markets if you prefer to checkout through Amazon, just contact me).

Links to both shops above or to the right with a few sample images. Please email me at kiersten@lissendenfrost.com with any questions. I will still be taking custom orders while the sale is on as possible. The shops will probably go on short vacations right around baby time just because I won't be able to check on things as often as I can now. If so, it will be posted here and I will try to post a warning as well.

Thanks very much for visiting!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Stops & starts: in case anyone is looking

This is rather an update for anyone who happens to check by. Right after I started Lissenden Frost I got pregnant and that really slowed down what I was able to do, so I started this site to work on while I could not do LF and once again I’ve been stopped as soon as I started. I actually have enough posts planned and in progress to post 1 x per week minimum for the next 3 months, which was my plan. However, I, being a very lucky pregnant person, now have Symphisis Pubic Dysfunction or SPD, which basically means my pelvis is out of whack. Besides being very painful, it means I have to, among other things, wear a rather uncomfortable support belt contraption, have a very hard time walking and driving, can’t take my boys to the playground, have to wear dresses most of the time, have to sleep with a huge c shaped pillow that makes it even harder to get on & off the bed and most relevant to this, cannot sit in a chair at the computer or in any other place where I might be able to use the laptop for long enough to get anything done. Yes, I am standing right now and even that’s hard to work out- a way that I can stand here long enough to type.

It’s annoying and boring and totally, absolutely sucks. Hopefully, it will go away soon after the baby arrives and we’re still trying to find ways to make it possible for me to do what I want to do and need to do for that matter. I’m told I’m lucky that the baby is still breech. Apparently, her head will make all of this much worse than just her incessant little feet kicking right where it hurts most. Though, since as I said, I am a very lucky pregnant person, I need her to turn as late as possible, but to turn or else I get a c-section, which I’m also told will make this happy condition last longer. So nice. And since I’ve already had a rather dramatic in-labor external version just 2 years ago with #2, another version, I’m also told, is not an option for me. That leaves acupuncture and moxibustion or flipping on her own and staying put until she pops out and before that c-section happens. Sounds promising.

As soon as I can figure out how to get it all done and posted a few of the upcoming posts are: something I’ve been writing about baby 4, Lucie, and her umbilical varix, a 4 part piece on breastfeeding, pieces on having lots of babies, bravery, babyquests and time being wasted on the wrong people.

The pre-baby sale at LF is on. The prices are super low, just above cost, to clear out as much as possible pre-baby arrival, details & links to the etsy and 1000 markets shops at LissendenFrost.com.

I know it all sounds so exciting, I’m sure you just can’t wait.