Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I finally scanned in an ultrasound image of Lucie at 34 wks. We have none of the very nice 3d or 4d shots we have of everyone else, so this is the best shot of her face that we have. All you can really tell, if you are good at deciphering shadows or have an excellent imagination, is that she does look rather plump. For the other 3 we could actually see their faces, but that's what you get for having ultrasounds in NJ instead of NYC. I started writing a post about everything that's been going on with her so far (umbilical varix etc, etc), but I, being a big looser, just can't sit long enough to get it done, typing on my knees is not so much fun and the laptop is a big target for all 3 boys at the moment, so it's in protective custody, so it will have to wait until she's here.

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